Handy Mag Systems

The Mustad Autoline HandyMag storage system is designed to fit on smaller vessels, from approx. 30 feet and above. With focus on the functionality on board, the system is simple and easy to operate, and requires minimal space.

Our products

Operational function

The hooks and line are stored on magazines, and magazines are kept in storage bins, on racks or similar.

For setting the line the magazines are manually retrieved, and mounted as an extension to the baiting machine (fig. 1 AutoBaiter with HandyMag transition rail) When the magazine is emptied of hooks, it is replaced by a new magazine with hooks and line from the storage unit. The empty magazines are restored in the storage unit.

For hauling the gear, empty magazines are mounted in hauling position as an extension to the hauling magazine on the hook separator (fig. 2. HookSeparator with HandyMag transition rail)

There is an Inspection window and hatches for repair and replacement of damaged hooks on the transition rail between the hook separator and the magazine.

The storage unit is flexible and is tailored according to space available on board the vessel. Standard length of a magazine is 1m (40 inch.)

HandyMag storage magazines are customized to fit the following hook types: Mustad EZ baiter (J-hooks) 11/0 – 14/0, Mustad #40 000 (semi circle / semi EZ/J-hook) and Mustad Circle hook 12/0-15/0 both offset and straight.

Mustad Autoline HandyMag system is made of stainless steel and aluminium.

Number of hooks per meter

Please note that quantity of hooks stated in quotes is an estimate. Quantity per meter will always depend on thickness, age and quality of the hooks and line. Consequently these given numbers are to be taken as a guideline only and not as factual numbers.


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