Autolining is fishing with longlines using advanced technology and deck equipment designed to streamline the fishing process, minimize environmental impact and maintain the highest quality of the catch.

About longlining and autolining

Longline fishing is a fishing method using a long line with baited hooks attached at intervals by means of branch lines called “snoods”. Longline fishing is in scientific terms regarded as a LIFE (Low Impact Fuel Efficient) harvesting method, and is one of the most sustainable ways to harvest wild fish from the ocean. In addition, when the fish comes on board one at the time, the processing of the fish can be done swiftly and gently, providing an excellent quality highly appreciated by the consumers and retailers are using it as a sales argument. Autolining is combining 500 year traditional longlining with modern technology to increase efficiency, improve working condition whilst preserving the quality of fish and sustainable fishing.

With a Mustad Autoline™ system all the hooks and line are stored on magazines. The size and quantity of these magazines vary depending on the vessel’s size and needs. After the buoy line and anchor have been deployed, the swivelline and hooks are pulled through the automatic baiting machine at a rate dependent on the vessel’s speed. The most advanced baiting machine can deploy 6 hooks per second at a baiting percentage averaging 95 – 97%. After soaking time the hauling process begins. The hooks and line are pulled over a sideroller where a crewmember helps the fish come on board, checking gear and controlling the hauling speed. Subsequently the hooks and line continue through the hook cleaner and linehauler before being passed in the HookSeparator to be loaded onto the magazines. The crew will then make sure that the line and hooks are properly hung and stored. At this time snoods, hooks and swivels are replaced as needed. The gear is now ready to be set again. The hauling process takes 80 – 85% of the time while the baiting and setting process is much faster using an autobaiting system.

Baiting, coiling and handling longline gear was a manual operation until early 1970s when O. Mustad & Son developed the Mustad Autoline™ System. The Mustad Autoline™ System mechanised the operation of longline fishing. Since then Mustad has supplied more than 800 systems worldwide and is the world leading manufacturer. The Mustad Autoline™ System is tailor made for each boat.