
Mustad Autoline Systems

automated longline equipment for demersal fisheries

MA BM 3000 AutoBaiter

Baiting of hooks with precision at a speed of up to 4 hooks…

MA HS 2000-02 HookSeparator

High speed re-racking of hooks and line. Weight 300 kg H:…

MA HS 500 HookSeparator

A light weight HookSeparator for automatic re-racking of…

MA HM 150 HandyMag storage rack

A flexible storage rack designed to fit on smaller vessels.

MA HV 100 Hauling unit

A light hauler with optional hook cleaning system. Hauling…

MA HV 50 Rail mounted hauler

A compact rail mounted hauler suited to the hand baiting…

Mustad MA Snooded hooks

Designed for optimal performance with Mustad Autoline…

MA PH 1000 Pot Hauler

A compact and silent solution ideal for high torque and…

MA PH 600 Pot Hauler

A compact and silent solution ideal for high torque and…