Join us at booth C12 at the Icelandic Fisheries Exhibition from September 18th to 21st

Visit our booth C 12 and get the latest news of our E-Line system and more.

See you there!

Icelandic Fisheries 2024

Mustad Autoline is acquiring the assets of Havfront AS with the intention of continuing its technology and relocating production to Gjøvik

Securing Jobs and Continuing Expertise

We have great respect for the work done at Havfront. Significant effort has been invested in realizing the entrepreneurial venture, resulting in the production of high-quality products.

As part of the acquisition, Mustad Autoline aims to include key personnel from Havfront AS to preserve essential expertise that ensures continuity in customer relations, development, and production. We are currently in the takeover phase, and it will take some time before we are fully operational in parts delivery and service. We are already in contact with customers and will keep the market continuously updated.

Increased Capacity and Production in Gjøvik

The acquisition of Havfront AS provides Mustad Autoline with exciting additional products to the existing product range, which is currently fully produced in Gjøvik. Havfront’s products, smaller gutting and cutting machines for whitefish, are based on similar technology and production processes and fit well into the factory’s existing production facilities. With Havfront products, we utilize capacity and strengthen production in Gjøvik.

Long-Term Ambition

«The acquisition of Havfront AS’s estate is a strategically important decision for Mustad Autoline,» says CEO Anders Frisinger. The design and technical solutions of Havfront products are on par with Mustad Autoline machines and fit well into the company’s vertical integration. We can assure that Mustad Autoline has long-term and ambitious plans for the future of Havfront products.

For more information, contact:

Lasse Rindahl
Phone: +47 905 69 476
CTO, Mustad Autoline AS

Anders Frisinger
Phone: +47 959 72 206
CEO, Mustad Autoline AS

Mustad Autoline overtar boet etter Havfront AS med ønske om å videreføre teknologien og legge produksjonen til Gjøvik

Sikrer arbeidsplasser og viderefører ekspertise
Vi har stor respekt for det arbeidet som er gjort i selskapet Havfront. Det er lagt ned betydelig innsats i å realiser gründervirksomheten som har resultert i produksjon av svært gode produkter av høy kvalitet.
Som en del av overtakelsen ønsker Mustad Autoline å ta med nøkkelpersonell fra Havfront AS for å bevare viktig ekspertise som sikrer kontinuitet i både kundekontakt, utvikling og produksjon. Vi er nå i en overtakelses fase og det vil ta noe tid før vi er fullt operative på deleleveranser og service. Vi er allerede i dialog med kunder og vil holde markedet løpende oppdatert.

Økt kapasitet og produksjon på Gjøvik
Overtakelsen av Havfront AS gir Mustad Autoline spennende tilleggsprodukt til eksisterende produktsortimentet som i dag produseres i sin helhet på Gjøvik. Havfront-produktene, mindre sløye- og kappemaskiner for hvitfisk, er basert på tilsvarende teknologi og produksjonsprosesser og passer godt inn i fabrikkens eksisterende produksjonsfasiliteter. Med Havfront produktene utnytter vi kapasiteten og styrker produksjonene på Gjøvik

langsiktig ambisjon
«Overtakelsen av boet etter Havfront AS er en strategisk viktig beslutning for Mustad Autoline» sier administrerende direktør Anders Frisinger. Havfront produktenes design og tekniske løsninger er helt på høyde med Mustad Autoline maskin og passer godt in i selskapets vertikale integrasjon.  Vi kan forsikre at Mustad Autoline tenker langsiktig og ambisiøst om Havfront produktenes fremtid.

For mer informasjon, kontakt:

Lasse Rindahl                             TLF: 905 69 476           e-post:
CTO Mustad Autoline AS

Anders Frisinger                        TLF: 959 72 206           e-post:
Administrerende Direktør Mustad Autoline AS

Om Mustad Autoline
Mustad Autoline er verdensledende produsent og leverandør av teknologi, maskiner og utstyr til linefiskeflåten. Produksjonsvirksomheten og hovedkontoret ligger på Gjøvik i historiske Mustad Næringspark. I tillegg har vi salgskontor i Ålesund, og egne selskaper på Island, Canada og USA. Med over 190 års erfaring i bransjen, tilbyr vi innovative og bærekraftige løsninger som bidrar til effektivt og ansvarlig fiskeri. Vi jobber kontinuerlig for å utvikle nye og innovative løsninger for å tilby enda mer effektive og bærekraftige løsninger til våre kunder.

Next stop Nor-Fishing in Trondheim 20 - 22 August

Visit our booth A161 and get the latest news of our E-Line system and more; Nor-Fishing 24.

See you in Trondheim!

Nor-Fishing 20 - 22 August

Next stop NAVALIA in Vigo 21 - 23 May

We are in VIGO visiting NAVALIA, the international shipbuilding exhibition from May 21st to May 23rd.

Contact us for a meeting at mob.: 0047 47462378, Svein Erik Bakke

Next stop NAVALIA in Vigo 21 - 23 Mai

Mustad Autoline EHF to take over distribution of fishing nets from Neptunus EHF

Neptunus, who was founded and managed by Björn Halldorson, has been one of the leading forces on the Icelandic fishing net market since 1974. The mission of Neptunus to make the use of gillnets as simple as possible, has set its strong footprint on the Icelandic net fishing community with its patented invention of pipe nets. Björn has for over 40 years shown an incredible dedication and passion for delivering innovative solutions and high-quality products to the fishing industry.

Björn will join Mustad Autoline as an advisor, and Siggi—Mustad Autoline’s Iceland Sales Manager—will become the customers main contact person. We are honored to have Björn, with his unmatched dedication and passion for fishing nets, join our team.

For any questions, please reach out to / +354 664 1621

Who will be elected Norway's smartest industrial company 2023? Mustad Autoline is among the three finalists!

Competition in international industry is fierce, especially for companies in a high-cost country like Norway. Nevertheless, Norwegian industrial companies have shown time and time again that we claim to be among the very best. Digitization has seriously swept the industry today. In the constant race to offer competitive solutions and make a difference, it is not enough just to be good. Norwegian industrial companies must also look up, recognize the opportunities and invest in cost-effective, smart solutions.

Norges smarteste industribedrift

​Egersund Group and Mustad Autoline strengthen their cooperation

After experiencing a positive development in these companies the parties have agreed to expand the proven to be good cooperation.

Mustad Autoline’s department stores and trading activities towards the coastal fleet in Norway (Havservice), the snow crab business from both Egersund Trål AS and Mustad Autoline AS merges with Nordkapp Marinservice AS and becomes Egersund & Mustad Havservice AS.

The new company, Egersund & Mustad Havservice AS will be present with sales offices in Egersund and Bergen, Havservice department stores in Breivika in Ålesund, Myre in Vesterålen, Honningsvåg and Båtsfjord in Finnmark as well as a warehouse on Skjervøy in Troms.

By this merge, we are strategically located from Egersund to Båtsfjord and considerably strengthened to ensure we serve all fishermen needs including the snow crab fleet, says Jarle Mong and Anders Frisinger

Watch more at:

For further information please contact;

Anders Frisinger, CEO Mustad Autoline and chairman of Nordkapp Marinservice as, mob. +47 95972206 or Mr. Jarle Mong, chairman Egersund Trål as, mob. 95443878