Memberships and Collaborators
Mustad Autoline is an active member of NCE Raufoss – an industrial cluster with the role as National Competence Center for light-weight materials and automated production in Norway where the local Industry cy-operates to increase its competitiveness. This is an extensive cluster of competence with scientists and engineers with facilities for product development and product testing. The cluster counts some 5000 employees, approximately 700 million euro in turnover with an export ratio of more than 80 %. NCE Raufoss
The joint R&D company SINTEF Raufoss Manufacturing AS is acting as Project Manager for NCE-projects and acts as a technology and development hub for the industry. SINTEF Manufacturing
Naturally, we are also working in close co-operation with SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture, representing technological and industrial expertise within renewable marine resources.

Mustad Autoline is proud members of COLTO
The Coalition of Legal Toothfish Operators, COLTO was founded in 2003 by legal industry members to eliminate Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing of Toothfish, to ensure the long term sustainability of Toothfish resources, and the rich and critical biodiversity of the southern oceans.
IUU catches had previously been double the legal catches of toothfish – mainly being illegally taken from within national waters (Exclusive Economic Zones – EEZs). Through the combined efforts of CCAMLR, Flag States, Port States, conservation NGOs and industry, those levels of IUU fishing inside national EEZs have been virtually zero since 2005.
Toothfish fisheries today provide a powerful example of how well effective collaboration and co-operation can work between legal industry, conservation groups, national governments, and an international conservation commission, CCAMLR. This unique co-operation resulted in better fisheries resources management; sustainable catch levels set and adhered to for toothfish and bycatch species; virtual elimination of IUU fishing for toothfish; and significant benefits to ecologically related species, like seabirds.